Friday, November 8, 2013

Mr. Murphy, the Move from Hell, & a Korbel Cheers!

Some of you know by now that I am a new resident of Santa Rosa, in the heart of California’s Wine Country!

Yes, I’ve left my beloved San Diego (not to mention kids and grandkids) to return to my native Northern California – although my roots are in a direct line from Santa Rosa to the state’s eastern border county, El Dorado, in the Gold Country – Sonoma County borders the ocean, and that works for me.

The ambivalent decision to move so far from my loved ones was not made lightly. However, cousins Ron (like my brother) and Jimmy (it’s his childhood home!) made a roommate offer I couldn’t refuse. (Think of us as The Golden Girls of Three’s Company. LOL!)

Although no one of retirement age wants to move – what an odious project at best – I’m hoping it will provide more time to work on my writing. Timing is everything …

You've heard of Murphy's Law, right? "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Ol' Murphy just LOVES me.

The plans were set – all was in order to move. Penske rental truck reserved, help on the way, 90% of “stuff” still in storage/boxes from earlier this year – easy-peasy, right? Ah, Mr. Murphy had his own plans …